Petra Therapy
I am a qualified and highly experienced dog physiotherapist. I work with dogs who have mobility issues or suffered accidents. I am specialised in sport and working dogs.
Petra Tassy Dog Physiotherapist
Dog Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy aims to promote recovery to normal function and to maintain and prevent the development of secondary preventable complications.

Massage Therapy
Adding massage into your dog`s life can provide them a healthier, happier and longer life and possibilities to avoid unnecessary injuries. Check out my workshops, too.
Dog Gym, Fitness
Designed for healthy dogs to achieve and maintain the best physical condition and maximum energy. Perfect for sport dogs for cross training.

Massage Workshop
Massage is known as a holistic treatment because it has a comprehensive effect on the whole body. I believe that dog massage is an essential part of total pet health care and helps to improve the connection between the pets and their owners. Special benefits make massage an unmissable treat for the active sport dogs and give them longer, healthier life in the competitive scene.
Please note that this is a 1-day Workshop where you will learn how to massage your own dog at your home.
Happy clients
" Walter was operated on with severe elbow dysplasia and that`s how I found Petra. It was one of the best meeting that could have happened to us. Every session she has proven herself to be a conscientious good professional. Four months later Walter was as new again and we could start retriever training and competing again.”
- Kata and Walter
(Gundog training)

”Freya qualified five times for European Open and two times for Agility World Chamionship. Petra taught me how to make a proper warm-up and cool down routine with my dogs to avoid any injuries. Hanga, our Kelpie had been diagnosed with OCD and had surgery at her age of 6 months. Physio plan were necessary and Petra did a great job when Hanga was proven to be perfectly healthy on the 14 months check X-ray. I will be forever gretful for her always highly professional and kind help .”
- Nora, Freya and Hanga (Agility, Frisbee)

”Beta was injured for the 9 month and he was still limping and showing pain when he was 1,5 years old. I met with Petra this time and it turned out that after half year physio sessions, homeworks and exercises Beta was completely cured and back to his happy and active life. He managed to win some herding trials and receive many placements in nursery and open classes but the most important thing is, that he was never again showing any pain during movement. I can never be thankful enough for Petra`s help for recovering Beta.”
- Petra from Camilland`s border collie kennel (Trial dog- Herding)
”Slipper was destined to be a performance dog and to complete in the sport of lure coursing. We were starting to worry because he had an early injury and he wasn`t himself. After a few session with Petra we started to notice a difference and his muscles evened out. He won UKSS summer open, qualified for European lure coursing Championships and International herstfcoursing and many more....
Petra has treated all my dogs form the youngest to the oldest and I always have them checked at the beginning of the season to make sure they are raring to go. I am indebted to Petra for helping me understand the way my dogs move and how to treat them myself”
- Sharon, Slipper (Coursing)