Dog Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy aims to promote and speed up recovery to good independent function, to maintain and prevent secondary complications and compensatory movement.


Build deep, core muscles to support the joints, tendons and ligaments during extreme movements.


Develop the muscles memory to help better perform.


Build self confidence and awareness of the body.


£50 per session

If your dog needs a physio

Dog physio is an effective way to help our injured four-legged friends. I check over your dog in our first session, which takes about 1.5 hours. I check your dog`s muscles, ligaments, tendons. I check their gait, posture, ROM and try to locate abnormalities. You will get a complete Patient History by email including a tailored phyiso plan.

You get homework which depend on our plans. It could be massage, exercises, new tricks or something else that could help to reach our aim.

When should I call?

You have a diagnosis from your VET and referred to a phyisio

Your dog has any mobility issues

Your dog has suffered from arthritis, pain, limping for a long time

Pre/Post operative rehabilitation what you are looking for

● You have a sport dog who has active training and competition life

You just want to be sure that everything is alright with your dog.

"I have known Petra, dog physiotherapist for more than ten years. I met her first on my lectures about diagnostic imaging (magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography) during the training for dog physiotherapy in Hungary. Following her graduation we had active work relationship involving neurologic and orthopaedic patients. That allowed me to get to know the candidate really well. Her professional competence and experience is excellent, and to this I would like to add her precision, reliability and empathy. Nothing can prove it more than when my four years old Hungarian Vizsla (Ani) suffered an open fracture of the radius and ulna, I asked Petra to do the rehabilitation work after the removal of the external fixator. Ani had severe muscle atrophy and restricted motion from the shoulder. Petra worked with Ani until she regained full-motion. Nobody could ever tell about the severe accident afterwards. Personally to me, it was great to see how well she managed with Ani regardless of my presence or absence. I eminently recommend the acceptance of Petra.

- Judit (Dr, DVM, PhD) and Ani